Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Fun Fun ... and cleaning

Was supposed to go to dinner tonight, but as it turns out, I STILL have to visit the old flat to clear things out and do some cleaning. Hoping that it won't take that long. It HAS been a decent home over the last few years, but I really wanna get out of there.

Called Barratt's today to let them know that the main toilet is flowing like a waterfall after it's flushed. That's a pain. Also, I don't actually know how to lift the lids of these dual flush cisterns. How sad am I?

We're getting there. Now we just need to off load the headboard for bed 2 and figure out the security system, especially in time for our X-Mas jaunt to Canada.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Holy Ikea-hell


We've just finished putting together our Ikea stuff and it was sooo long winded.

Three book cases, a wardrobe (that's scratching the ceiling) and a CD rack. Took about 5 hours, much tea and food and some concentration. Now, at least, we have places to put stuff like clothing, books and DVDs.

The wardrobe needs some more shelves, but that's a job for LATER!

Ikea arrived this morning about 9am, so that's quite good for a 8am - 6pm window.

Around 11ish, the bed bloke showed up, in the middle of a tour by the Barratt's girl about where fuses are and how things work. That was a tad annoying. On top of that, he didn't take the head board as he's only got a dinky little car, so that's still sitting (quite heavily) in the hall way. Just wanna get rid of the damn thing!

All in all though, we had quite a productive day, and much thanks was steeped on Paul who helped immensely with the Ikea construction.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Sold the bed!

Well, we shifted the second bed for £120. It was advertised for £150, but someone of the pursuation that always haggles and barters talked us into £120 (actually, started there expecting us to go higher, but Sue jumped in with "if it's in cash, we'll take it").

He's coming to get the bits tomorrow. He was supposed to come this morning to see it, but as we cocked up the Ikea thing, we were still shopping at 1.30pm when he was supposed to come round.

Well that sucked

Just got off the phone with Barratt's. Seems that when they sent someone in to fix the hob yesterday, they locked the top lock on the door on their way out. Only problem is, we don't have a key for that lock.

Coming home at 12.30am from a wonderful evening of Patrick Stewart, the only thing I wanted was my bed. I was denied entry to the flat entirely.

We took a black cab back to Streatham (thank goodness I still had that place) and got a receipt.

Calling Barratt's today, they apologized profusely and asked me to give them the receipt and they'd take care of it. They also asked if I had received the other outstanding monies owed, which I hadn't.

Of course, this puts a kaybosh on our plans this morning - mainly getting to Ikea to buy the furniture first thing and get a delivery date today. Paul is coming to pick us up and we're going to Ikea with him. However, he won't be here until about 11.30.

Oh well.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

All these useless things

Ha ha ha.

There's just a few things wrong with the new flat, but the Barratt's girl said we'd find as much (15-20 things in her estimation).

Latest thing? The hob in the kitchen doesn't work. Having shopped at Tesco's last night for dinner, we were left with having cereal and bags of crisps as we couldn't actually cook the stir fry we'd bought.

Having said that, the previous "biggy" was the washing machine didn't turn on. Having called the site office to let them know, we came home to a wonderful working unit. Thus, I have a lot of faith that we can be hobbing along this evening.

Still a few other things outstanding but nothing big.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sunday Sunday is here again!

Left mum and dad and Ben in Streatham last night to spend my first night in Wallington.

Waking up Sunday morning, the ONLY thing I wanted to do was explore my new town, but as the flat was a boxed up hell-hole, I knew that would have to wait.

We unpacked a few things, and then headed off to the charity shops to see if they'd take our crap. They must have seen us coming, as they were closed.

NO fear, we headed off to Ikea to get some book cases, chest of drawers, etc. The only thing we ended up getting was lunch! I also got my Ikea store card, so I feel like a real home owner now. It also entitles me to free tea and/or coffee for life, which I heartily took them up on.

Went to B&Q afterwards and bought a faux X-Mas tree! Too cool.

Also went to MFI and saw an awesome rotating wardrobe which was soooo expensive, it wasn't funny, but very very nice!

This eve we put the tree up and sorted the surround sound out, just in time for West Wing at 8pm!

We also met a neighbour. He completed in June and still hasn't moved in. I guess the few things we've found wrong with our flat are rather overshadowed by his concerns. Yikes!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Moving on in!

Well, today was moving day and it went ok... with a few problems at first.

The biggest problem was the van we rented wasn't anywhere near appropriate for the task at hand. It was a smallish transit van that had been modified. Behind the driver, instead of a sizeable cabin, there was now three seats bolted in. Behind that, there was a plywood divide meaning that nothing big could be transported (or purchased from Ikea!)

We also hadn't finished packing by this morning, which meant that while we were packing the stuff that had been packed, we were also simulatenously packing other stuff. Thankfully, there was a few of us, as two cousins arrived to help, mum and dad were here, Sue and her mate John. Paul arrived about 4.30 to enjoy the beer and pizza I picked up for everyone.

The best thing about today was seeing that everything DID fit into the flat and we probably won't have to fork out £50 a month on storage!

Another bummer was that the Barratt girl was off ill, so I couldn't get the tour of the flat, my key back, air my complains or get my deposit cheque. Oh well, sometime this week I guess.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Moving in has begun

Took a load of stuff that was already in boxes down to the flat today.

Doesn't seem to have made a dent on what we still have to pack or take down, but it's a start.

When we got there, I obviously had to collect the keys and such and it was the first time I'd been in the flat when it was ready to go. The hole in the wall was gone, doors were all put in and it all looked good.

Awaiting us was a welcome pack from Barratt's including some tea, instant coffee, biscuits and a bottle of Moet & Chandon champers. Not bad at all!

Move the boxes in with mum, dad, ben and sue then enjoyed a bottle of champers that we brought with us (the Moet wasn't chilled yet). Everyone was suitably impressed that I'd made a wise investment. Here's hoping it all works out.

There's a few problems with the place and the Barratt's girl said to expect about 10-15 things that we'll notice over the course of the first month or so. Will endeavour to write them down so as not to forget.

We are aiming to get most of the other stuff in the flat moved in next Saturday.

Friday, November 25, 2005

That's all she wrote

Well, I've just received a call from my solicitor to congratulate me on finishing everything up.

All that remains is for me to collect the keys tomorrow. I am now a homeowner (again!)

Of course, the pain is only beginning as the fun of mail redirects, packing, moving and sorting out all the bills, utilities, etc. is just beginning. Watch this space as I begin to pull my hair out in frustration!

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Apparently means completion!

When I complete the flat tomorrow, I get the keys and am the legal owner of a brand new flat!

There was a bit of worry that completion meant the completion of everything but a couple of weeks of paperwork. Not true!

All that's left is to transfer the money from my account to the solicitor's account (incurring a £21 telegraphic transfer fee, of course) sign some papers at the solicitor's (doing that this evening) and sit back and wait for the all clear.

Watch this site!

Barratt's call ... take 2

Just received a call from the Barratt's site asking where we were with everything.

Looks like I may be able to get the keys tomorrow or Saturday!

Only problem is, the furniture needs to be put back in and the curtains rehung. This will probably happen on Monday now, but most of the furniture should be in the place over the weekend.

All good news.

I can't believe it's almost happening!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Need Money!

So, if i complete the flat by Friday I now get £250 from Barratt's plus a whole extra weekend to move stuff. Problem is, I'm about £2500 short.

If time was of no problem, I could use my credit card which has a higher credit limit than most people's annual income. Downside? It takes 7 - 10 working days for the money to get transferred.

Other option? Cash advance. Again, there's a downside - you can only take out £250 per day. At that rate it would take 10 days to get the amount I need.

My solution has been to call my bank and raise my overdraft limit. It sat at £250 and had never been touched until this month (never buy a flat then go on holiday in the same month!). I felt rather cheeky asking it to be raised to £3000, but alas it has been done and I now have access to the £20,333.59 I need to move in.

It cost me £45 to sort the overdraft, but the solicitor managed to get me an extra £50 anyway, so again I'm even Steven!

Mixed Blessing

Got a call from the solicitor today.

Apparently Barretts are keen to have everyone complete by this Friday. To aid in this, they're willing to give me £200 to help spur on any problems with notice periods and the like.

This is all good, except my ISA money hasn't appeared in my account yet. I've been told to expect it five working days after the application of withdrawl, which was Monday.

Like everything else with this flat, luck comes quite backhandedly at times. Offering money to complete early, thus getting in this weekend and being able to move in piecemeal is quite attractive, but if I don't have the funds I'm scoobied.

Will have to look into cash advances on my credit card methinks.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Ten Days

Just got back from the solicitors and it seems that now I've signed the mortgage deed and handed it in, it's going to take ten working days to complete. At that point, I should have the keys and a whole new flat!

I was originally told it would be this Friday if I was lucky, but with this house, luck has been a mixed blessing.

Of course, I now have to get off my ass and cash in my ISAs from L & G. There's always something else to do.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Signing of document held off

Well, the solicitor called and it seems that I will have to sign a Mortgage Deed whenever Halifax decide to offer it.

As I am out of country for the next 13 days, this pushes the completion and moving in dates back even further.

Having discussed this with the solicitor, she gave me ball park dates of 10 days after signing to move in... maybe.

So, still have to let everyone know, and I MAY be able to move in before the end of November (as ten days from signing will be the 28th).

This holiday was rather ill-timed, all things considered.

Monday now!

Well, Halifax are still humming and hawing, so there's going to be no decision until Monday. For those following the plot, I will be in Oz on Monday, so this works well... not!

As the time change means we (the mortgage people and I) will never be awake at the same time, I will have to conduct business over the next little while via email, which isn't going to be fun.

As Sue's folks don't have internet access at the moment, it will be imperative that I haul ass to various internet cafes across Australia making sure all this purchasing malarky goes ahead.

Now I'm waiting to hear from my solicitor so I can let them know I'll be on hols from this evening. Problem is, my actual solicitor isn't available today. Hurrah!

A nice exterior shot of the flat

Here we are - a nice external shot of the flat. All airy and windowy and stuff. Cool, huh? Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Home stretch... maybe?

Had the mortgage people on the phone today, just trying to nail down the monies - how much I wanted to borrow, how much I had as a deposit and how much Barratts are putting up. As Halifax will only lend 75%, it looks like I will have to dip into my ISAs now to make up the £20,000 I need. Halifax originally said they'd lend me £155,000, but it's now going to be £150,000 which I guess is good, that's £10,000 worth of interest less.

Now that they have all that info, I have to wait until tomorrow morning, when it should be all good news.

Fingers definitely crossed!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Further down the road

Just had a call from the Mortgage company saying Halifax FINALLY received all the paperwork they needed (i.e. the letter from my Landlady they were waiting for).

Should hear back either late tomorrow or Thursday that I've got a mortgage, then I get to wait for two weeks while I'm on holiday about when I get to move in.

Fingers crossed nothing else cocks up!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Bomb Site

Oh dear.

Took the flatmate down to see the flat and FINALLY remember to take my camera, only to find the flat looking like a construction site!

The wall between the flat and what used to be the marketing suite is being patched up and the company decided to put in some thermal panelling on the outside walls, so the two bedrooms are in a bit of state.

All the furniture is in storage, and the interior decorator is coming back to rearrange it when the work is done. ALSO, because the builders are in, they're replacing ALL the carpets, not just the highly trafficed areas. That's cool!

Chatted with the Barratt's girl about paying back the 15% outstanding on the load, and she said I could do it whenever I wanted, not after 10 years, like my solicitor said.

Also, checked out the new Show Flat. It's sooo tasty. Me wants! However, it's like £300,000 and I'll have to make due with my nice little pad for now. Bottom of the ladder is still on the ladder!

Good news again

Received a letter from the solicitors today saying that Barratt will accept me paying £20,000 toward their 25% ownership of the flat.

That means, they'll only own £30,000 or 15%, instead of 25%. Good news all around.

Heading off in a bit to sign some papers at the flat and have another look around. Hopefully the construction will be done soon, and we can agree on a moving in date.

I don't think the Halifax have gotten what they need from the landlady, but that should hopefully be recified on Monday.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's moving ahead!

Just had a call from the Mortgage people and Halifax have FINALLY sorted things out with my HR department regarding the impact my oncall pay will have on my overall salary.

This has taken almost two weeks!

Now they just have to wait for a new letter from my landlady, as her last one got lost in the whole Halifax behemoth.

Fingers crossed I'll have some good news tomorrow and by Saturday when I go and sign some new papers at the Barratt site, everything should be going 100% ahead.

On the subject of me going on holiday a week from tomorrow, as long as I've signed all I need to sign with my solicitor, they can do what needs to be done and I could be a home owner by the time I get back from Oz!

Good news all around, really.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wiping of brow!

Having talked to the mortgage people, it looks like I won't be liable for the entire value of the flat come the end of my mortgage in two years.

Turned into a mini-lesson on mortgages. As my mortgage is for 30 years, it's broken down into smaller chunks (in this case 2 years, fixed rate). After the two years, I negotiate the terms of the next bit, it's not a new mortgage, thus no need to have to pay back the whole amount.

Hoo wee!

Also, the solicitor is looking into seeing if I can have my 25% DreamStart dropped to a smaller percentage, as I now have £20,000 burning a hole in a bank account.

Not the best news

Went to the solicitor's at lunch to pay for the local authority search (£250) and get some new pages for my agreement for sale, to reflect the lower price.

During the chat, it transpired that the 25% loan to Barratt's becomes payable not after 10 years, but the next time I remortgage the property. As I opted for a two year term on my mortgage to start, I will owe close to £200,000 for the property (minus my £20,000 and whatever I pay off the principle of the mortgage - not much) in two years time. As it is, the bank's lending me close to my limit, so this DreamStart sounds like it could very easily turn into NightmareFollowup.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Mortgage rejiggin

Talked the mortgage broker and Halifax will now lend me £155,000 instead of £160,000. This isn't bad as I'm borrowing £5,000 against Barratt's 25% stake.

They're still waiting on my landlady's confirmation letter and a letter from my HR dept stating how being on call will affect my overall pay.

Oh the joys of waiting.

More good news

Got hold of the solicitor and there was more good news circulating around the devaluation of the property.

I was worried I'd need another Agreement for Sale drawn up and a fee of whatever they'd charge. Thankfully, there's only two pages that really pertain to the sale and those two pages are the only ones being replaced.

Also, on the subject of the mortgage, apparently the bank will only lend me 75% of the value of the place, which is now £150,000. This is good news as I may not have to touch ANY of my money. Also good news in that my monthly mortgage rate will drop to reflect the £9,850 less I'm borrowing.

All good news.

Now I have to get hold of the mortgage people and sort out the new mortgage offer.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Solictor's woes

Just tried to contact the solicitors to give them the news and arrange to come down with the cheque and the Agreement for Sale.

The woman I'm dealing with has gone to a Barratt site and won't be back today. Oh well, will give me a chance to get my flat mate's rent cheque deposited and put into my account.

Gotta get this sorted asap, as I want to sort out this purchase before I head to Oz!

Missed call, Good news

Just had a missed call from the Barratt's site office.

Apparently the re-evaluation to £200,000 has been accepted. This is stellar news! I had to stop the DVD we were watching to tell my flat mate and mate. Told Sue and she said we should still pay the £180,000 as we could afford it. That means we'll owe Barratt's £20,000 instead of £60,000.

Now I have to go to the solicitor's and pay them to do the searches and drop off the signed copy of the Agreement for Sale.

Happy happy days!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Valuation Update, but not update

Had a quick call from the mortgage company to update me on a couple of things.

The letter from my landlady to say that I actually pay her hasn't come back yet and neither has the letter from the HR dept at work to say how much impact my On Call work will have on my final salary.

They're also expecting to hear from Barratt's on Monday now about the valuation of the flat.

I guess Monday is the day then.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Having seen the flat and been given the offer, it's all becoming a bit real. I'm still concerned that the flat's not going to be big enough to hold all my stuff (and Sue's!) but my mate G told me to shut up and get on the property ladder.

I'll never be able to jump onto the rung that gets me the 2000 sq ft penthouse, I'll have to climb to that. He also generously offered me some storage space in his cellar for stuff we won't be able to store at the flat.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

How sad are we?

Had brekkie at the Perfect Blend in Streatham this afternoon and were at loose ends, so Sue and I drove down to Wallington to sit outside the flat and have a look at it. I sat and ate a Kebab roll I'd bought at a new Indian takeaway in Streatham.

Noted the route and the pain in the ass traffic can be, but it was fun going down and just checking it out.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Solicitor Meeting

Just got back from the solicitor's. Took my ID (passport, utilities, etc.) and a document they wanted me to sign.

Talked over what the process is about the flat buying and such. I mentioned what Barratt's had said about the last valuation being closer to market value. The solicitor seems to think a local authority search may have already been done. She also said she'd harrass Barratt's as well to get the sale price lowered to reflect the drop in value. Here's hoping I can get at least £20,000 off!

Took all the stuff I needed to... except for the cheque for £250.

Still, now that they have my ID, they can open my file and start working for me. Hurrah.

Also asked about the £1,000 in solicitor's fees that Barratt's takes care of. Apparently they need my dosh up front to pay for the services they'll provide, then I'll get reimbursed the £250 and any other fees will be covered by Barratt's.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Barratt's call

Before I had chance to call Barratt's and find out what's up with the de-val, they called me!

Apparently they're as perplexed at the value drop as I am. The guy who was taking it before had a valuation done and apparently it came in closer to the asking price than mine.

They said if worse comes to worse, they'll organise a 3rd valuation and pay for it themselves.

I'm wondering if it's worth progressing at this point. I have paid a load of money, but if it's all going to fall apart I don't know how much more I want to spend, and no one can tell me whether it's a dead deal or not.

I was going to call the landlord tonight and give notice as well. I think I'll wait until things are a tad more stable.

Valuation woes

Well, the mortgage company called and talked about the de-valuation.

Not sure it's a good thing and neither do they. They're going to talk to Barratt's and find out what can be done. I think I'm quite worried. If Halifax say it's worth £200,000, then that's £40,000 worth of mortgage money I have to find which is not going to happen.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Halifax Valuation

Well, I had a valuation from the Halifax in the post today.

One look at this rudimentary two page photocopy and all I could say was "I paid £400 for this?"

It told me everything I already knew, but the area where the guy valued it, he put £200,000 based on similar property nearby. This is a tad troubling, as the property should be worth £250,000.

Through my keen negotiation skills, I knocked £10,000 off. However, with this new document I feel like quite a putz. Not sure where this leaves me. Should probably call the mortgage people tomorrow and find out.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Moving Help

I was down in Bognor today and my cousin Rob very thankfully offered his services when I move to the flat in Wallington. He's going to borrow his dad's large-backed lorry so we can haul my stuff from Streatham to the new place.

This news is a godsend! I was worried about how I was going to haul my stuff to the new place, as well as who I could recruit as an extra hand. Rob's a good guy and I'll make sure he's well taken of for helping me out (I envision showering him in pizza and beer!)

Train prices

Sue's been onto me about train prices from Wallington again.

Just forwarded her an email she sent me outlining the prices. I think everything will be ok, but I do worry about just about EVERYTHING!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Mortgage Projections

Well, when I asked the mortgage advisor for projections on interest only and repayment, it looks like they took it as "go ahead with repayment" because I got in the post today loads of paperwork for my repayment mortgage, including insurances and such. I think I'm going to stop the critical illness one as I don't envision being on death's door, health wise in the next two years.

I guess this makes my mind up. I CAN afford the repayment, and to be honest, in two years when it comes time to remortgage, I'll only owe £155,000 (or something similar).

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Mortgage Chat

Wow. There's so much to consider with a mortgage.

I'd been gunning for an interest only mortgage, since talking to G, but got the woman to give me projections about repayment as well.

On top of the mortgage itself, there's all these insurances as well. I took critical illness and payment protection, which upped my monthly outgoings by about £100.

Having thought about it, I'm not sure I'll take the critical illness as the term of the mortgage is 2 year fixed (at well below the bank rate!)

I had to also surrender loads of documents - pay slips, proof of residence, bank statements, etc. Hope I get them back!

Loads of money fun too, as I paid £95 for the mortage woman to come out and for their company to deal with me, as well as £400-odd to Halifax for mortgage fees and valuation survey. This buying a flat malarky is really pricey!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Interest Only Chat

Just talked to dad and G about the interest-only vs repayment debate on the mortgage front.

Both seemed to think that interest-only was a decent option. Dad especially seemed to think that as the interest rate is only 4.29%, I could put the difference in a bank account and make 5.00%, then pay the extra and have some interest saved up.

G seems to swear by interest-only saying that in 30 years time, £160,000 will seem like nothing and I'd be able to pay it off with a month's wages. of course, I'd be paying interest on the same amount until that point, so it would be a lot more than just £160,000 I'd be shelling out.

I'd tempted to the interest only, but we'll see what projections I'm sent in the post by the mortgage people.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Another trip

As Sue left last night for Oktoberfest and Ben was over today, we were at loose ends. What did we do? I took him to Wallington to see the new place!

Having been told a couple of weeks ago that the show flat was moving to Block B, I was surprised to see that my flat was still the showflat. Made it easier for Ben to see what I'll be buying though. We walked around sat on the furniture and had a grand old time. Showed him the bike sheds and the bin rooms and said hi to the site managers.

Then we drove to the Tesco in Purley to see how far it was. Not far at all, and the drive to the Tesco was awesome, some of those houses are amazing!

On the way back we took a different route and came across some new leisure centre on the edge of an estate.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Important calls

Took Sue to see Guys and Dolls tonight for her birthday and we were in the pub across the road from the theatre beforehand.

Got a call there from the mortgage broker company to say that I should be expecting the mortgage advisor next week. Apparently all my checks and stuff were confirmed and they'll lend me the amount the brief talk at the site office mentioned.

Of course, it's all subject to my P60s and pay slips and such. I should be getting an email in the next couple of days outlining all the documents they'll need to see.

Oh the musical was good, but Sue complained about the seats. They WERE quite high up, but the action was all still viewable from there. I made it up to her by buying her two different programs.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

It's official

We've just come back from the flat in Wallington where I signed sooo many papers it wasn't funny.

I paid my £500 holding deposit which means I'm on the road. I asked about being gazumped, as it was a bit of a concern and was told that Barratts don't do that sort of thing, which is comforting.

Also took Sue down again so we could get a proper look around. We also had a nose around the other flats to show her what we weren't taking.

I was concerned about the security of a ground floor flat, but she seems to be happy with not having to haul stuff up stairs, which works.

While we were looking around the new flat (which is STILL a show flat), there was another couple looking around too. The girl showing them around mentioned that while the bathrooms and kitchen in the show flat were ceramic tiled, in the other flats it would be an extra, costing roughly £500/room. That's ANOTHER £1500 we've saved, on top of the show flat inventory!

Doubled checked the TV again, as the site manager seemed to think it was a plastic show TV. It's actually a 20" LCD telly. How cool.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Close neighbours?

Sue just emailed me that her mate Jo's boyfriend lives in Cheam, which is apparently a stone's throw from Wallington. We're going to be neighbours!

Now I just need to find a comic book shop so Andy and I can go shopping while the girls do girl things.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Money Money!

Now that the whole flat buying thing seems to be going ahead, I've gotta convince Sue that spending loads more on a travel card is in her best interest.

I've checked the TfL sites and train sites, and it looks like her travel will be about £1400 a year, and mine goes to up £888 (it's currently around £500). Still, as we're getting quite the deal on the flat it should be a good investment. Hopefully she sees it that way.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Confirming details

Been on the phone with the site office today to see what exactly we get with the flat. Asked about bike storage as Sue has a bike, and I don't really want it sitting around the flat.

Was told there wasn't a bike storage area, but we might be able to get a key to the basement parking lot which should be secure and you can park a bike down there.

Sounds promising.

Egg Shells

As I've been humming and hawing over this property, the last hurdle was whether the girlfriend wanted to live there. If no, then the whole thing would have to be off unfortunately.

Tonight we drove down to Wallington so I could show her the area and the flat. We found a really nice private road that won't allow L plates through (ha ha ha). This was also the first real look at the area I'd had too, as I still wasn't sure yesterday if I was going to take the place.

Thankfully, the area and the flat met with the thumbs up.

Funny thing that Sue noticed is how the road the flat is on is almost all flats! Did mention the info I'd discovered last night when I got home from G's about the area being a real commuter type place.

I now have to call the site office and tell them I'm definitely in.

Here we go!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Rush of energy!

Wow, with my potential interest in the flat I had to come right home this evening and start doing research on Wallington, to make sure I wanted to live there!

Found out that the area is really popular with commuters, and (thankfully for Sue) there's a direct train to London Bridge that takes about 25 minutes. I think for me to get to Clapham Jct it's about 25 mins, then the train to Ken Olympia. That's cool, as I should be able to get a seat AND have enough time to read a chapter or two in a book (usually I can't get more than a couple of pages from Streatham Hill).

So, with that potential hurdle out of the way, it only remains to impress Sue with the place. We're going round tomorrow night to check the area out.

I think I'm in!

Well, I've just viewed the flat in Wallington. It's indeed a new build, and almost complete. Went with my mate G.

Looked around, was quite impressed and the site people actually had nibbles and champagne on offer. I was tempted to the one bed that I saw in the Metro ad on Friday. THEN they told me the two bed show flat had just become available again (apparently the previous buyer had to pull out over financial difficulties).

What does this flat entail? Well, a property of almost 700sq ft AND all the show furniture!

I've been on the phone with the site manager trying to get the price down to something I can afford, based on a quite call I made at the site office to their lending company.

Watch this space, I may be a home owner yet!

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Talked to the folks tonight about the flat. Quite excited actually.

They seemed quite enthused. It's been years that I've been looking, so for something to finally come this far is quite an achievement. Hopefully all my research about the area and the trains and the location will pay off.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Metro Ad

Thankfully got a copy of the Metro today. As it's Friday, it's property day! There's never anything affordable in this section, but you never know.

Today I saw an ad for a Barratt Homes development in Wallington (yeah, I know "Where?") that claims to be affordable. Probably some government shared housing scheme or something else dodgy.

Might as well take a look though. I've called them and booked a viewing for Sunday afternoon.

Watch this space.