Saturday, October 29, 2005

Bomb Site

Oh dear.

Took the flatmate down to see the flat and FINALLY remember to take my camera, only to find the flat looking like a construction site!

The wall between the flat and what used to be the marketing suite is being patched up and the company decided to put in some thermal panelling on the outside walls, so the two bedrooms are in a bit of state.

All the furniture is in storage, and the interior decorator is coming back to rearrange it when the work is done. ALSO, because the builders are in, they're replacing ALL the carpets, not just the highly trafficed areas. That's cool!

Chatted with the Barratt's girl about paying back the 15% outstanding on the load, and she said I could do it whenever I wanted, not after 10 years, like my solicitor said.

Also, checked out the new Show Flat. It's sooo tasty. Me wants! However, it's like £300,000 and I'll have to make due with my nice little pad for now. Bottom of the ladder is still on the ladder!

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