Saturday, December 03, 2005

Moving on in!

Well, today was moving day and it went ok... with a few problems at first.

The biggest problem was the van we rented wasn't anywhere near appropriate for the task at hand. It was a smallish transit van that had been modified. Behind the driver, instead of a sizeable cabin, there was now three seats bolted in. Behind that, there was a plywood divide meaning that nothing big could be transported (or purchased from Ikea!)

We also hadn't finished packing by this morning, which meant that while we were packing the stuff that had been packed, we were also simulatenously packing other stuff. Thankfully, there was a few of us, as two cousins arrived to help, mum and dad were here, Sue and her mate John. Paul arrived about 4.30 to enjoy the beer and pizza I picked up for everyone.

The best thing about today was seeing that everything DID fit into the flat and we probably won't have to fork out £50 a month on storage!

Another bummer was that the Barratt girl was off ill, so I couldn't get the tour of the flat, my key back, air my complains or get my deposit cheque. Oh well, sometime this week I guess.

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