Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Fun Fun ... and cleaning

Was supposed to go to dinner tonight, but as it turns out, I STILL have to visit the old flat to clear things out and do some cleaning. Hoping that it won't take that long. It HAS been a decent home over the last few years, but I really wanna get out of there.

Called Barratt's today to let them know that the main toilet is flowing like a waterfall after it's flushed. That's a pain. Also, I don't actually know how to lift the lids of these dual flush cisterns. How sad am I?

We're getting there. Now we just need to off load the headboard for bed 2 and figure out the security system, especially in time for our X-Mas jaunt to Canada.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Holy Ikea-hell


We've just finished putting together our Ikea stuff and it was sooo long winded.

Three book cases, a wardrobe (that's scratching the ceiling) and a CD rack. Took about 5 hours, much tea and food and some concentration. Now, at least, we have places to put stuff like clothing, books and DVDs.

The wardrobe needs some more shelves, but that's a job for LATER!

Ikea arrived this morning about 9am, so that's quite good for a 8am - 6pm window.

Around 11ish, the bed bloke showed up, in the middle of a tour by the Barratt's girl about where fuses are and how things work. That was a tad annoying. On top of that, he didn't take the head board as he's only got a dinky little car, so that's still sitting (quite heavily) in the hall way. Just wanna get rid of the damn thing!

All in all though, we had quite a productive day, and much thanks was steeped on Paul who helped immensely with the Ikea construction.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Sold the bed!

Well, we shifted the second bed for £120. It was advertised for £150, but someone of the pursuation that always haggles and barters talked us into £120 (actually, started there expecting us to go higher, but Sue jumped in with "if it's in cash, we'll take it").

He's coming to get the bits tomorrow. He was supposed to come this morning to see it, but as we cocked up the Ikea thing, we were still shopping at 1.30pm when he was supposed to come round.

Well that sucked

Just got off the phone with Barratt's. Seems that when they sent someone in to fix the hob yesterday, they locked the top lock on the door on their way out. Only problem is, we don't have a key for that lock.

Coming home at 12.30am from a wonderful evening of Patrick Stewart, the only thing I wanted was my bed. I was denied entry to the flat entirely.

We took a black cab back to Streatham (thank goodness I still had that place) and got a receipt.

Calling Barratt's today, they apologized profusely and asked me to give them the receipt and they'd take care of it. They also asked if I had received the other outstanding monies owed, which I hadn't.

Of course, this puts a kaybosh on our plans this morning - mainly getting to Ikea to buy the furniture first thing and get a delivery date today. Paul is coming to pick us up and we're going to Ikea with him. However, he won't be here until about 11.30.

Oh well.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

All these useless things

Ha ha ha.

There's just a few things wrong with the new flat, but the Barratt's girl said we'd find as much (15-20 things in her estimation).

Latest thing? The hob in the kitchen doesn't work. Having shopped at Tesco's last night for dinner, we were left with having cereal and bags of crisps as we couldn't actually cook the stir fry we'd bought.

Having said that, the previous "biggy" was the washing machine didn't turn on. Having called the site office to let them know, we came home to a wonderful working unit. Thus, I have a lot of faith that we can be hobbing along this evening.

Still a few other things outstanding but nothing big.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sunday Sunday is here again!

Left mum and dad and Ben in Streatham last night to spend my first night in Wallington.

Waking up Sunday morning, the ONLY thing I wanted to do was explore my new town, but as the flat was a boxed up hell-hole, I knew that would have to wait.

We unpacked a few things, and then headed off to the charity shops to see if they'd take our crap. They must have seen us coming, as they were closed.

NO fear, we headed off to Ikea to get some book cases, chest of drawers, etc. The only thing we ended up getting was lunch! I also got my Ikea store card, so I feel like a real home owner now. It also entitles me to free tea and/or coffee for life, which I heartily took them up on.

Went to B&Q afterwards and bought a faux X-Mas tree! Too cool.

Also went to MFI and saw an awesome rotating wardrobe which was soooo expensive, it wasn't funny, but very very nice!

This eve we put the tree up and sorted the surround sound out, just in time for West Wing at 8pm!

We also met a neighbour. He completed in June and still hasn't moved in. I guess the few things we've found wrong with our flat are rather overshadowed by his concerns. Yikes!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Moving on in!

Well, today was moving day and it went ok... with a few problems at first.

The biggest problem was the van we rented wasn't anywhere near appropriate for the task at hand. It was a smallish transit van that had been modified. Behind the driver, instead of a sizeable cabin, there was now three seats bolted in. Behind that, there was a plywood divide meaning that nothing big could be transported (or purchased from Ikea!)

We also hadn't finished packing by this morning, which meant that while we were packing the stuff that had been packed, we were also simulatenously packing other stuff. Thankfully, there was a few of us, as two cousins arrived to help, mum and dad were here, Sue and her mate John. Paul arrived about 4.30 to enjoy the beer and pizza I picked up for everyone.

The best thing about today was seeing that everything DID fit into the flat and we probably won't have to fork out £50 a month on storage!

Another bummer was that the Barratt girl was off ill, so I couldn't get the tour of the flat, my key back, air my complains or get my deposit cheque. Oh well, sometime this week I guess.