Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Six Months on

Well, as of June 4 we've now been in our new digs for six months.

Anything to report? Well, the summer's on it's way and our massive windows mean it's sometimes warm when we get home.

Apart from that not much.

The complex STILL has flats to sell. I reckon by the time they leave (and we've been told they'll be gone by end of June) they'll have been here a year! That's quite the commitment.

The flat across the hall is STILL for sale as well.

We've got a few cursory things we need fixed, but in general the place is good. The area is fantastic and now the nice weather is here, we're really able to go out and explore.

Am I glad I took the plunge? Yes. Am I 100% happy with the flat? No. I just wish it was a tad bigger or had more storage, but those are minor gripes.

I would suggest anyone get on the ladder. There's nothing more satisfying than knowing when your mortgage cheque comes out each month you own just a little more of the place!


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