Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Getting stuff fixed!

Today was a bumper day at the flat.

Problems were solved, complaints were addressed and I worked from home in the morning!

Around 10.45, a bloke from Atlantic came by to sort the radiators out. Until today, I'd switch all the radiators to "night" when we went to bed and "day" when we woke up. Nightmare of manualism. Now, thanks to Atlantic bloke, everything on a timer and the settings make everything work automatically. So nice.

As I was preparing to leave for work, the Barratt handy man stopped by to sort out some other problems - constantly running toilet (ball cock stuck in the cistern), the sound of water running behind the washing machine (outtake pipe didn't have a stop cock) and leaking airvent (no solution yet).

As we're getting closer and closer to the perfect flat, it's becoming nicer and nicer to hang out at home.

Just a couple more things to sort now and we're there!